
The Rt. Rev. Rick Donato was ordained an Anglican priest on June 3rd 2017. He is a graduate of New Jersey City University where he earned a BA in History with a concentration in the English Reformation. He has extensive training in preaching and pastoral ministry. Shortly after his ordination, he opted to start a parish, naming it “All Saints” symbolizing that we are All Called to be Saints, regardless of race, gender, socio- economic status, sexual orientation or gender identity, immigration status, age or disability. All Are Welcome at God’s Table! Rick is committed to the concept of radical hospitality and Liberation Theology! On June 8th, 2024, Rick was consecrated as Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of the Northeast of The Progressive Episcopal Church and will succeed our diocesan Bishop when she retires next year. He was adamant about staying on as pastor of All Saints, and strongly believes that “being a good bishop means remaining a committed pastor.” All Saints Parish is part of the Diocese of the Northeast of The Progressive Episcopal Church (TPECUSA.org)

Priest for Hispanic Ministry
The Rev. Armantina Pelaez serves as our priest for Hispanic ministries. Mother Armantina was ordained to the priesthood on July 26th, 2020. Prior to her ordination, she served as parish warden of her home church, St. Paul’s in Paterson. Mother Armantina is passionate about ministering to all people, especially those who have historically been marginalized, spreading the message of Christ’s love and acceptance to All! In addition to serving in ministry Mother Armantina is a college professor of psychology, as well as a licensed counselor and social worker.

Parish Deacon
The Rev. Deacon Joel Muniz was born and raised in Newark, NJ. Deacon Joel was ordained November 5th 2022, the Weekend of the Feast of All Saints. Deacon Joel serves as Deacon for our parish throughout the year. In addition to his secular job and other pastoral responsibilities, Deacon Joel also serves as Archdeacon for the Diocese of the Northeast of The Progressive Episcopal Church and was installed as Archdeacon on Pentecost Sunday.

Holy Baptism
Here at All Saints, we baptize according to the formula in the Book of Common Prayer, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. There is no age restriction on baptism, so whether an Infant, an adolescent or an adult, baptism is open to all who have not already been baptized, regardless of age, race, gender, socioeconomic status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or anything else! God does not discriminate and neither will we! In order to schedule a baptism at All Saints, please contact the pastor at least a week In advance! In cases of pastoral emergency, (severe illness, or death bed circumstances) baptism will be done on the spot if requested.

Holy Communion
Here at All Saints We Have an Open Communion Policy! No one will be turned away from God's table! The table belongs to God and God only, and we the clergy are simply servers of the table, Jesus is the Host! As such anyone who in good faith comes forward to receive the sacrament, will never be turned away! Jesus the Host of the table never turned anyone away, neither will we! All Are Welcome at God’s Table!

Holy Matrimony
Holy Matrimony (Marriage) is the Sacramental Rite in which two people come together of their own free will and accord and pledge their love and fidelity to one another in the presence of God, their friends and their family and receive the blessing of God upon their union. Marriage is open to all couples, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation! All Saints is an open and affirming parish and fully supports marriage equality! God is Love! PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS AND SCHEDULING FOR MARRIAGES OR MARRIAGE RENEWAL SERVICES MUST BE MADE WITH THE PASTOR, AT LEAST 3-6 MONTHS IN ADVANCE!
Ordination of Deacon Joel (November 5th, 2022)

Pastoral Letter -Making Our Church a Place of Refuge and Not a Place of Fear or Hurt-
I write this message out of deep concern but also with hope, hope for justice, hope for change and hope for a renewed sense of what it means to be a Christian and the responsibility that all Christians have to uphold the principles of love and forgiveness, but also of Responsibility and transformation.
At present our Brothers and Sisters In the Roman Catholic Church are dealing with something that was once considered inconceivable but now has become all too commonplace. The issue of clerical abuse, in particular towards children. This is an issue that has plagued the Roman church on a public level for the past 20 years and only God knows how long prior to that.
While we at All Saints are NOT a part of the Roman Catholic Church and are Not under the Pope, we recognize that another branch of the Body of Christ is struggling and as such it affects the Body as a whole. Our hearts and our prayers go out to the victims of these horrific crimes committed by individuals who are supposed to be ministers of the Word of God and of the Sacraments of Gods Church.
Additionally we pray for Francis, the Bishop of Rome (the Pope) as the decisions he makes on how to deal with these criminal clerics will determine the fate of the Roman Catholic branch of Christianity, a job I do not envy.
Here at All Saints we are committed to the message of Christ, that the Church is to be a place of refuge not a place of fear or hurt. We believe people shouldn’t feel unwelcome by arbitrary rulings, an over emphasis on money, or the fear that ones children are not safe.
As such we have adopted certain policies. While we are all aware that any organization including the church needs money to survive, instead of a formal collection, the collection plate is in a place that is visible for all, so whomever is able to give may do so and whomever is unable to, will not be made to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable by multiple church collections.
We also have an Open Table policy. That means All persons who wish to partake in Holy Communion are Welcome at the table. The Table belongs to God and God alone! God does not turn people away, neither will we!
Sunday School will begin in the fall and will be taught in the main sanctuary immediately following the Sunday mass. It is church policy that a parent or guardian stay with their minor children the extra half hour each week in order to be a part of their child’s spiritual formation.
Adult and young adult Sunday school, for those who wish to make their confirmation, or for those who have not yet been baptized and wish to be baptized will also begin in the fall and classes will be after Sunday mass as well!
We Welcome All People with open arms and the Love of Jesus Christ!!
+The Rt. Rev. Rick Donato

Formal Statement from our House of Bishops on the current crisis facing our nation

All Saints clergy is joined by the pastor of Wesley UMC for an ecumenical photo

Baptism on the Feast of the Ascension

The Rt. Rev. Francesca Fortunato- Diocesan Bishop
Bishop Fortunato has served in ministry for over 30 years starting as a Sunday school teacher at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York. She later went to seminary and was ordained as an interfaith minister beginning her journey in ordained ministry. Several years later her faith journey led her back to sacramental worship and she was ordained first to the transitional diaconate and 6 months later she was ordained a priest. In 2016 she answered God’s call once again and was consecrated to the office of Bishop in the historic episcopate (apostolic succession) serving the Diocese of the Northeast of The Progressive Episcopal Church.

The Rt. Rev. Lynn Walker- Clergy Associate
Bishop Lynn is ordained in the Orthodox-Catholic Church of America. She is an ecumenical associate that regularly works with our parish as well as with other parishes in the Anglican/Episcopal tradition in the New York/New Jersey area. Bishop Lynn is retired US military as well as a college professor. She is married and is a grandmother.

thank you for contributing to our parish ministry! You can donate online using Venmo.

Bishops Visit 2023

The High Altar

The Blessed Sacrament side chapel

Healing Mass
The Last Sunday of each month we work together with Bethany Lutheran Church for an ecumenical healing mass at Sunday 11:00 am. All are welcome at God’s table!

Who we are...
All Saints is an Open and Affirming parish community in the Anglican tradition and is part of The Diocese of the Northeast of The Progressive Episcopal Church. We strongly believe in Christ’s message of radical hospitality and the call to spread the Love of Jesus Christ in all that we say and in all that we do! Faith alone simply is not enough! To be a true follower of Christ one must do more than simply believe, one must put that faith into action and spread that love to All People! Here at All Saints, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, age, socioeconomic status, immigration status, ability, disability, even denomination. While we are a parish in the Anglican tradition we welcome all people at God’s Table! We Celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion every Sunday and every Wednesday. Holy Communion (The Mass) is our principle form of worship and All are welcome to partake! Jesus never turned anyone away and neither will we! God Loves You, and so do we!
*All Saints is a parish in The Progressive Episcopal Church (TPECUSA.org).
It is not now, nor has it ever been affiliated with The Episcopal Church USA.

Sunday mass is at 12:00 noon every Sunday accept the last Sunday of the month, when we have an ecumenical healing mass with Bethany Lutheran Church at 11:00 am! Our midweek mass is on Wednesdays at 12:00 noon. All are Welcome At God’s Table!
262 Joralemon St. Belleville NJ 07109